Sheila Carapico
Sheila Carapico, editor of Arabia Incognita: Dispatches from Yemen and the Gulf, is widely recognized as a leading expert on Yemen. She is the author of Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia (Cambridge University Press, 1998, reissued 2007) and numerous other books, book chapters, and articles about Yemen, the Arabian Peninsula, and the region.
About Sheila Carapico
Carapico acquired her reputation as a Yemen expert through her time as a Fulbright research scholar in the country and consultancy work she did there for bodies such as Human Rights Watch, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. During 2010 and the crucial spring of 2011, she was Visiting Chairperson of the Department of Political Science at the American University in Cairo. She teaches Political Science and coordinates the International Studies program at the University of Richmond and is a long serving member of the MERIP collective.
The Middle East Research and Information Project is a progressive, independent non-profit based in Washington, DC. Since 1971 MERIP has provided critical analysis of the Middle East, focusing on political economy, popular struggles, and the implications of U.S. and international policy for the region.
Videos of Sheila Carapico
Sheila Carapico, professor of politics science and international studies at the University of Richmond in Virginia, and author of the recently written piece: A Call to Resist Saudi and US Aggression in Yemen, joins David to discuss Saudi military action in Yemen, and the hypocrisy of the US alliance with Saudi Arabia