Apr 2, 2018 Democracy Now!, “Massacre in Gaza: Israeli Forces Open Fire on Palestinians, Killing 18, Wounding As Many As 1,700,” Miko Peled is a guest, along with Raji Sourani and Diana Buttu, discussing the Palestinian Land Day protests and the lethal response from the Israeli military.
Mar 31, 2018 Mondoweiss, “‘NY Times’ continues to whitewash Israel’s crimes on the Gaza border,” James North quotes Larry Derfner (whom he calls “one of the most experienced and one of the best reporters in Israel”) debunking biased coverage of the Israeli sniper attacks on the Palestinian Land Day protests in Gaza.
Mar 30, 2018 Washington Post, “Noor Salman should never have been prosecuted in the first place,” Huma Yasin notes that Miko Peled’s book Injustice details the miscarriage of justice in the convictions of the Holy Land Foundation Five.
Mar 13, 2018 The Real News Network, “US Cowardice Prevents Middle East Peace,” Aaron Maté interviews Ian Williams at the National Press Club during the Israel Lobby and American Policy conference, discussing Williams’ book UNtold: The Real Story of the United Nations in Peace and War and the role of the Israel Lobby and its influence at the United Nations.
Mar 8, 2018 OpenDemocracy, “Fear of forgetting – heroines who changed history,” Victoria Brittain considers the role of women in the struggle for Algerian independence. Discussing Zohra Drif’s Inside the Battle of Algiers, Brittain calls it “a remarkable testimony of the extremely courageous role women played inside the armed wing of the Algerian nationalist movement.”
Mar 7, 2018 War on the Rocks, “Rock the Casbah: Tales of a Female Bomber,” Lincoln Krause reviews Zohra Drif’s “Inside the Battle of Algiers” for the foreign policy publication affiliated with the University of Texas. A longtime intelligence officer, Krause notes that “There are only a handful of narratives published by female members of the FLN, and Drif’s is the only account that has been translated into English.”
Mar 7, 2018 Public Books, “Women of the Algerian Resistance,” review by Anna Jacobs of “Inside the Battle of Algiers.” Calling the book “beautifully translated,” Jacobs observes, “There is no one else who can tell this story of Algerian resistance.” The book “takes us right into this moment of violent resistance.” Jacobs concludes that “Drif’s story of resistance and sisterhood is a must-read reminder of the crimes against humanity that France and other Western nations have committed in the name of empire.”
Mar 4, 2018 El Salto, “Miko Peled: “Israel tiene que ser tratado como un Estado paria”,” Miko Peled is interviewed (Spanish language content) by Carlos Pérez Cruz in the Spanish publication El Salto. The interview touches upon both Peled’s most recent book “Injustice – The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five,” and “The General’s Son,” which is also available in Spanish under the title “El hijo del general.”
Mar 1, 2018 Friends Journal, “Review of White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine,” by Karie Firoozmand.
Mar/Apr, 2018 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, “Ian Williams’ Latest Book: UNtold,” magazine pp. 59-60.
Feb 22, 2018 The Nation, “Letters From the March 26, 2018, Issue,” an exchange of letters between Helena Cobban and Bill Fletcher Jr on Zohra Drif’s memoir Inside The Battle Of Algiers.
Feb 14, 2018 Electronic Intifada, “How the US jailed five innocent Palestinians,” essay by Miko Peled adapted from “Injustice.”
Feb 9, 2018 Truthout, “Who Are the Holy Land Foundation Five,” book excerpt from Miko Peled’s “Injustice.”
Feb 9, 2018 Mondoweiss, “Sentenced to 65 years for helping Palestinians,” book excerpt from Miko Peled’s “Injustice.”
Feb 9, 2018 Qantara, “Punching through the glass,” a review of Mohammad Sabaaneh’s “White and Black.”
Feb 2, 2018 The Nation, “One Person’s Terrorist? Reflections on Zohra Drif’s Memoir of the Algerian Revolution: Is the civilian population of a colonial-settler regime ever a legitimate military target?,” Bill Fletcher Jr. on “…her critically important memoir”: “I have seldom felt compelled to write a review or an essay after reading a book. I am often inspired, saddened, or reflective after finishing a book, but normally I don’t feel compelled to publicly think through issues that emerged for me in the course of reading someone’s work. Zohra Drif’s Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter left me in a very different place.”
Feb 1, 2018 United Nations Academic Impact, “The UNtold story of the United Nations,” the UN department notes the publication of Ian William’s book UNtold.
Jan 25, 2018 CGTN (China Global Television Network), “Recipe for Life: Laila El-Haddad,” Laila shares her rumaniyya recipe from The Gaza Kitchen with Asieh Namdar (6 minutes).
Jan 18 2018 Inter Press Service, “US, Led by an Erratic Trump, Seeks to Undermine UN,” Thalif Deen quotes Ian Williams, author of UNtold: The Real Story of the UN in Peace and War, UN correspondent for Tribune and Senior Analyst, Foreign Policy in Focus. Williams told IPS, “Trump’s ignorance and arrogance makes a dangerous compound mixed with Nikki Haley’s ambitions and her pro-Israeli prejudices.”
2017-2018 Quaker Theology, “Resistance In Review – From Israel to Asheville,” double issue #30 & #31; a review by Chuck Fager of Larry Derfner’s “No Country For Jewish Liberals.”
Dec 12, 2017 Al Monitor, “Award-winning Palestinian cartoonist takes dig at Trump,” (currently the Al Monitor page is unavailable but the article is accessible via page cache); a profile by Ahmad Melhem of Mohammad Sabaaneh and his book White and Black.
Nov 9, 2017 January Magazine, Book Review: “The War and Environment Reader” by Gar Smith. The review is by Ben Terrall, who calls the book “a valuable resource which should be used to complement the curricula of college and high-school political science and history classes” and also recommends it for “journalists, activists, and general readers concerned about our future.”
Nov 1, 2017 al-Akhbar, “زهرة ظريف بالإنكليزية في ذكرى حرب التحرير: اليوم الجزائر وغداً… فلسطين,” Ziad Mouna reviews Zohra Drif’s “Inside the Battle of Algiers” for the Lebanese daily (Arabic).
Oct 7, 2017 National Catholic Reporter, “Peace, environmental activists meet in Washington, DC,” Gar Smith and his volume The War and Environment Reader are discussed in Julie Bourbon’s report from a recent peace conference in Washington D.C.
Oct 5, Tufts Now, “A Fighter for Algerian Independence,” an article on Zohra Drif’s talk at Tufts in the university newspaper.
Oct 3, 2017 Mondoweiss, “Zohra Drif’s Algeria memoir shows how occupation leads to terrible violence,” part two of James North’s review of “Inside the Battle of Algiers.”
Sept 28, 2017 Mondoweiss, “Zohra Drif’s memoir of Algeria’s fight for freedom is stunning,” James North reviews “Inside the Battle of Algiers.” North writes that, “Inside the Battle of Algiers has everything: it is the autobiography of the first part of the life of a remarkable woman; an insight into vital historical events; a first-hand view on the ethics of revolutionary violence; and a page-turning true adventure story.”
Sept 26, 2017 Mondoweiss, “Between our life and our mother Algeria, we chose our mother: Excerpt from ‘Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter’.”
Sept 25, 2017 Counterpunch, “Colonialism Never Gives Anything Away for Nothing,” Ron Jacobs reviews “Inside the Battle of Algiers.” Jacobs writes that Drif’s book “stands with texts like George Jackson’s Soledad Brother and Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in terms of its honesty and desire for justice.”
He observes that it is also “a study of the tightrope women in movements like Algeria’s Frente Liberacion National (FLN) must sometimes walk.” Jacobs calls it “…an emotionally riveting historical adventure that is both exhilarating and breathtaking.” “Like Gillo Pontecorvo’s masterpiece film The Battle of Algiers, Drif’s memoir is a powerful and unforgettable work.”
Sept 24, 2017 Washington Post, “Washington Bestsellers: Paperback Nonfiction,” “Inside the Battle of Algiers” at #13 on the bestseller list! (Rankings reflect sales for week ended September 24, 2017.)
Sept 18, 2017 Al Hurra, “زهرة ظريف تروي للأميركيين ‘معركة الجزائر’,” interview with Zohra Drif by Mohammed Bouzana (Arabic)
Aug 18, 2017 Medium, “What I Heard In the Holy Land,” reflections by Abraham Riesman that include multiple interviews with Mohammad Sabaaneh that touch upon art and politics and ask the question of what a Palestinian superhero character would look like.
Aug 1, 2017 Friends Journal, “Condition Critical: Life and Death in Israel/Palestine,” Alice Rothchild’s book reviewed by Max Carter. Carter writes, “The facts may be hard for some to take, but the excellent writing and keen observation help the medicine go down.”
Jul 19, 2017 +972 Mag, “Rattling the Gilded Cage: An Interview with Larry Derfner,” Michael Omer-Man interviews Larry Derfner on No Country for Jewish Liberals.
Jul 12, 2017 VICE, “Cartoonist Boldly Uses Art to Combat Oppression in Israel and Palestine,” a profile of Mohammad Sabaaneh and his new book “White and Black” by Alice Rowsome
July 2, 2017 Graphic Policy, “Review: White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine,” “The art by Sabaaneh is gorgeous and heartbreaking. …. Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy”
Jun 19, 2017 Ha’aretz, “From Occupation to Infatuation: 8 New Page-turners on Israel-Palestine,” Anat Rosenberg calls No Country for Jewish Liberals “a clear-eyed exploration, told with plenty of wry humor, of how someone can remain devoted to a country whose politics and policies he abhors.”
June 11, 2017 Graphic Policy, “Review: Baddawi,” The review calls Leila Abdelrazaq’s book a “striking opus to her father …. a coming of age story in a place where war is commonplace …. The art by Abdelrazaq is beautifully incandescent and leaves traces on your heart. Altogether, a heavy yet important take on the lives of refugees that one finds complex and illuminating. Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy”
June 2, 2017 The Real News Network, “Art as a Form of Nonviolent Resistance: Palestine (2/2),” Part two of Sharmini Peries’ interview with Mohammad Sabaaneh
June 2017 This Week In Palestine, “Book of the Month – The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey”
May 25, 2017 Ha’aretz, “Israel’s Moral Decline Pushed This Liberal Zionist to Embrace BDS,” review by Abe Silberstein of Larry Derfner’s No Country for Jewish Liberals.
May 25, 2017 Acting in Faith, “Drawing for justice: Mohammad Sabaaneh on Palestine, art, and hope” Lucy Duncan interviews Mohammad Sabaaneh for the American Friends Service Committee blog
May 24, 2017 Hyperallergic, “A Political Cartoonist’s Stark Portrayal of Palestinian Existence,” Sarah Rose Sharp reviews Mohammad Sabaaneh’s book of cartoons, which, “lay out the emotional reality of subjugation in Palestinian daily living in candid and visually symbolic terms.”
May 24, 2017 The Real News Network, “Art as a Form of Nonviolent Resistance: Palestine,” Mohammad Sabaaneh is interviewed by Sharmini Peries about White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine.
May 22, 2017 Tel Aviv Review, “Israel, Slipping Through My Fingers,” Gilad Halpern interviews Larry Derfner about his book, No Country for Jewish Liberals
May 20, 2017 Al-Hayat, “Prison without colors,” the leading UK-based Arabic language daily reviews Mohammad Sabaaneh’s book
May 19, 2017 Arab American News, “Palestinian cartoonist shares his people’s struggle at ‘artist talk’ in Detroit,” Julia Kassem reports on Mohammad’s author tour stop in Detroit
May 16, 2017 The Forward, “Israel’s City of the Future: Portrait of a Smug Society,” an excerpt from Larry Derfner’s book
May 5, 2017 PRI’s The World, “A Palestinian cartoonist draws the Israeli occupation,” Carol Hills interviews Mohammad Sabaaneh about his new book, White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine
May 5, 2017 Al Jazeera Arabic, From Washington – Interview with Mohammad Sabaaneh on his book White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine
May 4, 2017 Electronic Intifada, “Mohammad Sabaaneh’s dangerous cartoons,” Marguerite Dabaie reviews White and Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine. Excerpt: “These political cartoons are foremost a form of solidarity with ordinary Palestinians in their daily struggle for survival and ongoing battle for justice. Most of the cartoons are saturated with action and iconography. …every tiny detail is pregnant with meaning.”
May 3, 2017 Jewish Journal, “‘No Country’: A view of Israel many won’t cheer,” Jonathan Kirsch reviews Larry Derfner’s No Country for Jewish Liberals. Kirsch calls the book “urgent, often witty and deeply unsettling.”
April 27, 2017 Foreword Reviews, “Wrestling in the Daylight: A Rabbi’s Path to Palestinian Solidarity,” reviewed by Benjamin Welton. Foreword rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Excerpt: “What makes Wrestling in Daylight truly unique is how unapologetically naked its processes are—an unpolished political confession given in real time. This is an honest look at one man’s attempts to find both peace and justice in a thoroughly unjust world.”
March 24, 2017 Mondoweiss, “Bearing witness: a review of Alice Rothchild’s book ‘Condition Critical’” by Hatim Kanaaneh
February 24, 2017 Library Journal, “Xpress review – ‘White & Black: Political Cartoons from Palestine’”
February 8, 2017 Institute for Palestine Studies’ Palestine Square, “Palestinian Cartoonist: ‘Like Cactus, We are Tough and Patient.’.” A review of Mohammad Sabaaneh’s “White and Black” by Khelil Bouarrouj, who writes, “The drawings are striking in their depth, and the vivid faces — comic in structure but evocative in detail — are unforgettable. Sabaaneh demonstrates an extraordinary ability to render the ordinary heroic in its own steadfast way.”
February 8, 2017 National Catholic Reporter, “They defied sanctions to bring aid to Iraq’s people,” the great peace activist Kathy Kelly profiles Gabe Huck and Theresa Kubasak and their book Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home; a longer version is available at Common Dreams and many other online publications.
February 7, 2017 The New York Times, “Eat Your Sugar,” Yotam Ottolenghi discusses Laila el-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt and their book The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey at length in recounting their collaboratively curated meals at the Metropolitan Museum of Art last November.
December 6, 2016 Jane Kramer of The New Yorker writes about A Feast for Jerusalem at the Met, featuring The Gaza Kitchen 2nd, edition by Leila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt.
November 15, 2016 Jacqueline Cain writes up Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt’s event at the Shepard Restaurant in Cambridge, MA for Boston Magazine.
November 10, 2016 Oldways, Oldways president, Sara Baer-Sinnott, profiles the new edition of The Gaza Kitchen.
November, 2016 American Foreign Service Association reviews American’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East by Chas Freeman for “In their Own Write.”
October 3, 2016 Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home by Theresa Kubasak and Gabe Huck, reviewed by Cecily Jones in the Loretto Community.
October, 2016 Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home by Theresa Kubasak and Gabe Huck is reviewed in U.S. Catholic. In his review, Bryan Cones writes that “leads its readers to deeper wells: human resilience in adversity, the power of poetry to reconcile and heal, and above all, testimony that working together against all odds can indeed make a difference.”
July-August, 2016 Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home by Theresa Kubasak and Gabe Huck, reviewed in Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns’ publication NewsNotes.
May 18, 2016 WMNF (Tampa, FL) “Anti-War activist David Swanson says Obama admin spends more than ever on war,” Nicole Martinez interviews David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
May 17, 2016 Mondoweiss “Why Miko Peled’s story resonates for Palestinians” by Hatim Kanaaneh featuring the author of The General’s Son
May 12, 2016 Post Independent (CO) “War, which is never inevitable, is a lie,” by Mary Boland reviewing David Swanson’s War is a Lie
May 10, 2016 Truthdig “‘Days of Revolt’: Chris Hedges, Israeli Peace Activist Miko Peled Discuss the Devolution of Israel,” featuring the author of The General’s Son
May 9, 2016 Mondoweiss “Miko Peled’s Viral Video” by Yakov Hirsch, featuring the author of The General’s Son
May 2, 2016 “Law and Disorder Radio” Host Michael Smith interviews Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
Spring 2016, Journal of Palestine Studies, Karim Mattar reviews Hatim Kanaaneh’s Chief Complaint: “bring[s] personal experience, professional expertise, cultural and political insight, historical scope, and literary sophistication to bear.”
April 24, 2016 Truthout “David Swanson: US Wars Are Not Waged Out of Generosity or for Democracy,” Mark Karlin interviews the author of War is a Lie
April 21, 2016 Truthout “Fear of ISIS Used to Justify Continued Military Intervention in Middle East” Book Excerpt from David Swanson‘s War is a Lie
April 19, 2016 KPFA (Oakland CA) Radio interview by Linda Khoury of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
April 2016 Midwest Book Review Review by Paul T. Vogel of The General’s Son 2nd Ed. by Miko Peled
April 13, 2016 American Herald Tribune “The habit of thought that made the U.S. vanguard of prisons and war” by David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
April 12, 2016 TeleSUR “Ten Revealing War Lies” by David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
April 6, 2016 Truthdig “Giving Diplomacy a Chance in Iran and Syria Should Override Power of War Machine,” Book Excerpt from David Swanson’s War is a Lie
April 5, 2016 Media Line “The General’s Son at the Bookshop” by Noga Tarnopolsky featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
April 4, 2016 Jadaliyya “Killing Yemen: An Interview with Sheila Carapico” by Malihe Razazan, featuring Arabia Incognita
March 28, 2016 KEVN Black Hills FOX, “Artist Aims to Educate on Palestinian History,” Interview of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
March 28, 2016 KOTA TV “Exhibit Shines Light on Palestinian Refugee Camps,” Interview of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
March 28, 2016 Jadaliyya Status Hour “Drawn to Palestinian Memory: Baddawi, a Graphic Novel,” Interview by Julie Hakim Azzam of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
March 14, 2016 Mint Press News “What Does the Constitution Actually Say About Waging War” Interview by Mnar Muhawash with David Swanson, author of War Is A Lie.
March 13, 2016 Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Podcast, “Stipulated: War is a Lie” Interview with David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
March 1, 2016 Friends Journal Book Review by Richard Taylor of The People Make the Peace: Lessons from the Vietnam Antiwar Movement
March 1, 2016 Friends Journal Book Review by Hina Fathima In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine
February 10, 2016 The New Arab “The Tragedy of Yemen Is Not a Marginal One” by Vijay Prashad featuring Arabia Incognita
February 1, 2016 American Library Association: 2016 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults list Graphic Novels category features Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
January 7, 2016 Informed Comment “Separating Anti-Semitism from Anti-Zionism,” by Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
December 5, 2015 Vice UK “The Graphic Novel ‘Baddawi’ Looks Back at Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp” by Tasbeeh Herwees featuring Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
October 26, 2015 AlterNet “Can the People Make the Peace Again” by Frank Joyce, co-editor of The People Make the Peace
October 25, 2015 Fair Observer “The Folly of Israeli Apartheid Knows No Boundaries” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
October 25, 2015 Truthout “We Cannot Remain Silent” on Palestine, Says Activist From Jewish Boat to Gaza,” Interview by Mark Karlin of Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
October 23, 2015 WORT 89.9 (Madison, WI) “Pledge Edition: Wisconsin Book Festival’s Leila Abdelrazaq and “Baddawi”” interview by Esty Dinur of Leila Abdelrazaq, author of Baddawi
October 22, 2015 Huffington Post “Vietnam: Story Without an End” review by Jonah Raskin of The People Make the Peace
October 22, 2015 Truthout “Learning Empathy for Palestinians as a Refugee From Nazi Germany,” excerpt from Survival and Conscience
October 22, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) “A Palestinian in Israel: Dog Kickers and Shark Attack,” by Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
October 18, 2015 Lobelog “Lessons from America’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East,” by Chas Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
September 30, 2015 Mondoweiss “Israeli embassy’s attack on Rosengarten just made her stronger,” by Phil Weiss regarding Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
June 25, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) Chief Complaint: A Palestinian Doctor in the Galilee,” by Khelil Bouarrouj, Interviewing Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
June 22, 2015 NPR “U.N. Report Finds Israel, Hamas Possibly Committed War Crimes In Gaza” by Emily Harris featuring Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Unsilenced
June 22, 2015 Mondoweiss Excerpts from Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq“The Gaza Kitchen: Cuisine, Resistance, and Remembrance in Palestine” by Julie Poucher Harbin about Laila El-Haddad’s presentation on Gaza Kitchen.
June 10, 2015 Electronic Intifada “Smuggling books across the border: PalFest 2015” by Leila Abdelrazaq, author of Baddawi
June 8, 2015 LA Review of Books, “Stitching Out a Life in Graphic Memoir,” by Alex Mangles on Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
June 3, 2015 Mondoweiss, “‘Spring’ and Counterrevolution in Egypt: Four Years of Reflections,” by Richard Falk about his book Chaos and Counterrevolution: After the Arab Spring
May 27, 2015 Foreword Reviews Review by Allyce Amido of Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
May 18, 2015 UPrising Radio Show with Sonali, interviews Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
April 29, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) “Baddawi, A Graphic Novel about a Palestinian Boy,” by Khelil Bouarrouj, Interviewing Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
April 24, 2015 ThinkProgress “New Graphic Novel Explores What It’s Really Like to Be a Palestinian Refugee,” by Beenish Ahmad about Baddawi
•April 22, 2015 WPFW radio “Shay Wa Nana Show” Zein El-Amine interviews Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
•April 21, 2015 ComicsDC “Leila Abdelrazaq’s Talk at Busboys and Poets,” by Mike Rhodes about Baddawi
•April 2, 2015 PEN America “The Illustrated PEN Graphic Narrative” Excerpts from Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•March 31, 2015 Socialist Worker “Documenting the Campus Struggle for Palestine,” Review by Bill Mullen of In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine
•March 20, 2015 The Hill “Time to Give Palestinians Their Country Back,” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•March/April 2015 Saudi Aramco World Piney Kesting Reviews My Voice Sought the Wind by Susan Abulhawa
•March 16, 2015 The Hill “Israel’s Arab Voters Threatened,” by Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
•March 8, 2015 Mondoweiss “Thoughts upon reading a book by a colleague” by Hatim Kanaaneh featuring Alice Rothchild’s On the Brink
•March 2, 2015 “Tiamat’s Revenge: Asking the Big Questions,” by Alex Mangles features Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•March, 2015 Foreign Affairs “Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope” a review by John Waterbury of “Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope” by Richard Falk
•February 19, 2015 Middle East Eye “Book Excerpt” of Chief Complaint: A Country Doctor’s Tale of Life in Galilee by Hatim Kanaaneh
•February 7, 2015 Mondoweiss “Let liberal Jews weep for their dream of Israel, and move on – Alice Rothchild” by Philip Weiss featuring Alice Rothchild, author of On the Brink
•February 5, 2015 The Hill “Netanyahu’s coming to town” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•January 29, 2015 World Beyond War “Students Save Palestine” by David Swanson, featuring In Our Power by Nora Barrows-Friedman
•January, 2015 Cooking up a story “The Gaza Kitchen – An Interview with Laila El-Haddad”, interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•January 27, 2015 AFSC Acting in Faith “A rabbi at AFSC: Quaker and Jewish Connections, part 1” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•Janurary 8, 2015 Middle East Revised “Leila Abdul Razzaq’s Baddawi: Palestinians As Subjects Of Their Own Narratives” featuring Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi
•January 2015 CHOICE Magazine chooses Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2014
•December 31, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Refugees are ‘subjects of their own narratives.’ says Palestinian artist” by Sarah Irving, featuring Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi
•December 30, 2014 Shalom Rav “Talking JRC and AFSC on WBEZ: My Interview with “The Morning Shift” interview with Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•December 22, 2014 Palestine News Network “This is Not Recognition” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•December 12, 2014 MintPress News “Conflict Kitchen: Pittsburgh Restaurant Serves Up Food For Thought, With a Side Order of Pickles” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 2014 CHOICE Magazine Review of Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•November 19, 2014 Aljazeera America “Hummus and maftoul, with a side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 12, 2014 Pittsburgh City Paper “Conflict Kitchen re-opens, says Palestinian voices central to their project” features Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 11, 2014 Mondoweiss “Pittsburgh’s ‘Conflict Kitchen’ is latest battleground over Palestine, free speech and criticism of Israel” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•October 31, 2014 Susuris “The Collapse of Order in the Middle East” article by Chas Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
•October 29, 2014 Palestine Book Awards “Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from young writers in Gaza, Palestine” review of Refaat Alareer’s Gaza Writes Back
•October 22, 2014 Oye! Books “One Book, Many Communities’: Reading As a Form of Protest” featuring Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•October 13, 2014 MintPress News “Could An Iranian Nuclear Deal Be The Answer to Stability In The Middle East?” featuring Chas W. Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
•October 06, 2014 The Electronic Intafada “Writing to overcome trauma in Gaza” includes Refaat Alareer, author of Gaza Writes Back
•October 08, 2014 San Diego Reader “Not the Israel my parents fought for” featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•October 4, 2014 Be Magazine “Mondoweiss: “Rabbi Brant Rosen steps down from Jewish Reconstructionist Synagogue saying his activism on Israel/Palestine has been ‘lightning rod for division'” about Brant Rosen author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•September 25, 2014 WHBQ Fox 13 Memphis “Peled: Burden for Peace Rests with Israel” interview with Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•September 22, 2014 The Star Online “Young voices are emerging from Gaza, and they will not be stopped,” by Akil Yunus featuring Gaza Kitchen and Gaza Writes Back authors
•September 20, 2014 Mondoweiss “Gaza and the American Awakening” by Alice Rothchild, author of On the Brink
•September 3, 2014 Mondoweiss “Rabbi Brant Rosen steps down from Jewish Reconstructionist Synagogue saying his activism on Israel/Palestine has been a lightning rod for division,” by Marc Ellis featuring the author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•August 28, 2014 KPFA Flashpoints featuring interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•August 19, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Gaza Reminds Us of Zionism’s Original Sin” and Intifada Palestine “From the Holocaust to the Massacre in Gaza through Ben-Gurion Airport” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•August 6, 2014 Vox “Israel and Gaza’s best-known chefs discuss food and identity in Israel-Palestine,” by Max Fisher, featuring Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•August 5, 2014 World Can’t Wait (recorded event in New York) “Stop Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes against the People of Gaza” hosted by Alan Goodman featuring authors Laila El-Haddad,Miko Peled, and Refaat Alareer
•August 5, 2014 Munchies “Hummus is a Metaphor for Israeli-Palestinian Tensions,” by Matthew Zuras, featuring interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•August 4, 2014 MintPress News “VIDEO: Is The Crisis In Gaza A Reflection Of Apartheid? Interview With Miko Peled” by Mnar Muhawesh featuring the author of The General’s Son
•August 4, 2014 Middle East Eye “There are no poems of mass destruction,” by Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Writes Back
•August 4, 2014 Democracy Now “As Gaza Death Toll Tops 1,800, Dr. Mona El-Farra Mourns Loss of 9 Relatives in Israeli Strike,” interview by Amy Goodman of Laila El-Haddad, co-author ofThe Gaza Kitchen
•August 1, 2014 C-Span “Discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” panel featuring Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 30, 2014 Talk Nation Radio “Sarah Ali: Under the missiles in Gaza,” David Swanson interviews Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 28, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Does Iran really pose an existential threat to Israel?” review by Rod Such of Manufactured Crisis
•July 28, 2014 Jadaliyya “Joint Declaration by International Law Experts on Israel’s Gaza Offensive,” initiated and signed by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 28, 2014 Electronic Intifada “The story of my brother, martyr Mohammed Alareer,” by Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Writes Back
•July 26, 2014
Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free – See more at:
Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free – See more at:
Middle East Eye “Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free,” by Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 24, 2014 Al Jazeera America “Cooking and eating under siege,” by Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt, authors of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 22, 2014 Guernica “The Time Has Come,” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 Truth-Out “Blood on American Hands: Richard Falk on Palestine” featuring Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 CCTV America “Palestinian mom tells her story of Gaza with a cookbook,” interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 21, 2014 Al Jazeera America “The propaganda war over the Gaza Crisis” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 Jewish Daily Forward “Is Gaza Israel’s War of Choice?” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 20, 2014 Al Jazeera English “Gaza: A Human Tragedy” by Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 18, 2014 Gandhi’s Be Magazine “Gaza Writes Back: By destroying houses, and killing children, Israel aims at erasing memories,” by Yousef Aljamal, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 18, 2014 Guernica “No Exit from Gaza,” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 16, 2014 RT Crosstalk “Gaza Under Siege” featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 16, 2014 Gandhi’s Be Magazine “Rabbi Brant Rosen: ‘Israel on the 17th of Tammuz, Confronting the Enemy Within” by the author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 16, 2014 Democracy Now “Is an Iran Nuclear Deal within Reach? Dissecting the Latest Talks over a ‘Manufactured Crisis,'” Amy Goodman interviews Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•July 15, 2014 My Halal Kitchen “Cookbook review: The Gaza Kitchen” by Yvonne Maffei featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•July 14, 2014 BBC Newshour Radio programme on Gaza Crisis interview with Laila El-Haddad, author of Gaza Mom and The Gaza Kitchen
•July 11, 2014 RT The Big Picture “Conversations with Great Minds” Thom Hartmann interviews Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•July 10, 2014 Tikkun Daily “Tragedy in Gaza: Reckoning with Root Causes” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 9, 2014 WBEZ Worldview “Israel increases airstrikes on Gaza,” interview by Jerome McDonnell of Mohammed Soliman, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 9, 2014 Sky News “Middle East Violence” Interview with Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 8, 2014 RT Breaking the Set “IDF General’s Son: If Israel doesn’t want rockets, decolonize Palestine,” interview by Abby Martin of Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 8, 2014 Democracy Now “‘Absolutely unjustifiable,’ Aunt of US Teen Decries Brutal Beating by Israeli Forces Caught on Video,” interview by Amy Goodman featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 3, 2014 The Hindu “The searing hypocrisy of the West,” by Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 3, 2014 The Palestinian Talmud “Empathy, Not Vengeance: A Rabbinical View on the Recent Violence in Israel/Palestine” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 1, 2014 PressTV “US trying to restrict Iran’s nuclear future: Journalist,” interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 30, 2014 “US Demand for Deep Centrifuge Cuts a Diplomatic Ploy,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 25, 2014 Mondoweiss “How food writing humanizes the Palestinian struggle: Laila El-Haddad on The Gaza Kitchen,” by Alex Kane featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•June 9, 2014 The Nation “How US Policy on Iran Came to Be Based on Fabricated Documents,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 6, 2014 Truth-Out “Leading Alarmist on Iran Ignored What He Knew Was True,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 5, 2014 PressTV “Israel gave fake dossier to MKO: Historian” interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•Summer 2014 Israel Studies Review 29:1, 129-135. “1973: Re-examined,” by Galia Golan, a review of 1973: The Road to War by Yigal Kipnis.
•May 2014 H-Diplo Discussion about 1973: The Road To War by Yigal Kipnis
◦Review Essay by Craig Daigle (PDF)
◦Author Response by Yigal Kipnis (PDF)
◦Follow-up by Craig Daigle (PDF)
•May 29, 2014 Haaretz “Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?” by Shemuel Meir, a review of Manufactured Crisis and interview with author Gareth Porter
•May 21, 2014 RT “Breaking the Set” “Israel Apartheid State Gives Impunity for IDF Soldiers” Abby Martin interviews Miko Peled of The General’s Son
•May 14, 2014 Al-Monitor “An Israeli Scare Campaign about Iran’s Nuclear Program?” by Akiva Eldar featuring Gareth Porter’s Manufactured Crisis
•May 7, 2014 Muftah Magazine “A Review of Gareth Porter’s Manufactured Crisis: Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare,” by Alex Cacioppo
•May 7, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Trapped in Gaza” by Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•May 5, 2014 Harper’s Magazine “The Stream” blog “Six Questions: Manufactured Crisis” by Andrew Cockburn, interview with Gareth Porter
•May/June 2014 Foreign Affairs Capsule Review of Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•April 29, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Writing is an act of courage, say storytellers from Gaza,” podcast by Nora Barrows-Friedman with the authors of Gaza Writes Back
•April 28, 2014 Real News Network “Gaza Writes Back” interview of Yousef Aljamal
•April 20, 2014 FireDogLake “Podcast: Young Palestinian and Contributor to ‘Gaza Writes Back’ Describes Life under Occupation” by Kevin Gosztola, interview of Yousef Aljamal by Rania Khalek
•April 16, 2014 CounterPunch “The Ayatollahs’ Overlooked Anti-WMD Fatwas” by Sheldon Richman, featuring Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•April 15, 2014 Mondoweiss, “Palestinian writers bring Gaza’s hardships to an American audience” by Alex Kane on Gaza Writes Back
•April 15, 2014 Brownbook Magazine “The Gaza Kitchen” photoessay by Sophie Chamas, photography by Emad Mohammed, featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•April 10, 2014 AFSC blog “Powerful fiction: An interview with writers of Gaza Writes Back” by Madeline Schaeffer, a feature on Gaza Writes Back
•April 7, 2014 Revolution magazine, “Check It Out:Gaza Writes Back—Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine,” by Alan Goodman
•April 5, 2014 The Scott Horton Show 10 part interview series with Gareth Porter about Manufactured Crisis
•April 4, 2014 HuffPost Live “Palestinians find dignity through writing,” live interview with Refaat Alareer and Rawan Yaghi of Gaza Writes Back
•April 1, 2014 “Targeting Iran” by Phiilip Giraldi, a review of Manufactured Crisis
•March 30, 2014 WBAI “Beyond the Pale” radio show interview with authors of Gaza Writes Back
•March 30, 2014 Real News Network Book Review of Manufactured Crisis by Edward Herman
•March 24, 2014 Huffington Post “Did Robert Gates Manufacture the Iran Crisis?” by William Beeman, a review of Manufactured Crisis
•March 23, 2014 Truthout “Current Iran ‘Crisis’ Began with Overthrow of Democratically Elected Government in 1953,” Interview by Mark Karlin of Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 21, 2014 CounterCurrents Book review of Manufactured Crisis by Dr. Ludwig Watzal
•March 19, 2014 Truthout “Fixing the Facts to Create a Crisis with Iran,” Book excerpt from Manufactured Crisis
•March 16, 2014 The Star Online, “Having their say: Young Palestinian writers share their stories,” by Lim Chia Ying, a book review feature on Gaza Writes Back with an interview of Refaat Alareer
•March 16, 2014 Real News Network “Reality Asserts Itself ” A three-part recorded and transcribed interview by Paul Jay of Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 4, 2014 Foreign Policy Association Blog “A Candid Discussion with Gareth Porter,” by Reza Akhlaghi, featuring the author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 3, 2014 Foreign Policy in Focus “Overcoming the ‘Manufactured Crisis’ with Iran” by Josh Ruebner featuring Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 2, 2014 Interview of Miko Peled on Peacemaking in Israel/Palestine by the Institute on International Relations, Prague
•February 27, 2014 Foreword Magazine Book Review of Gaza Writes Back
•February 26, 2014 Lecture by Miko Peled at the Institute for International Relations, Prague on his book, The General’s Son
•February 21, 2014 FAIRCounterspin podcast interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•February 21, 2014 Cezka Pozice (Czech) “The West Will Regret Its Support of Israel,” Interview with Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son (English translation in PDF here)
•February 17, 2014 Mondoweiss “Unravelling the false history of the Iranian nuclear program: An excerpt from ‘Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare’” by Gareth Porter
•February 16, 2014 Firedoglake Book Salon featuring Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•February 15, 2014 Sabbah Report “The Problem is Israel, Its Supporters, and the War Industry, not Iran” by Lawrence Davidson reviewing Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•February 12, 2014 Talk Nation Radio “Gareth Porter: Iran has never had a nuclear weapons program” interview with David Swanson about Manufactured Crisis
•February 11, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Gaza’s class divisions confronted by young writers,” by Sarah Irving, review of Gaza Writes Back
•February 5, 2014 Inter Press Service “Misread Telexes Led Analysts to See Iran Nuclear Arms Programme,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•January 29, 2014 Lobelog “A Manufactured Crisis,” by Peter Jenkins reviewing Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•January 28, 2014 Al-Akhbar English “Gaza Writers Resist War and Siege through Fiction,” by Yazan al-Saadi featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 26, 2014 Radio Solidarity Show, Episode #12, featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 25, 2014 Palestine Chronicle, “Young Gazan Writers Prove the Power of Short Stories” by Susannah Tarbush featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 16, 2014 Middle East Monitor “‘Gaza writes back’ launched in London” featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 4, 2013 Al Jazeera (in Arabic) “Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Gaza in English” review of Gaza Writes Back
•January 2, 2014 War is a Crime (blog) “The Story of Gaza” by David Swanson featuring Gaza Writes Back
Recent Media Coverage:
•May 18, 2016 WMNF (Tampa, FL) “Anti-War activist David Swanson says Obama admin spends more than ever on war,” Nicole Martinez interviews David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
•May 17, 2016 Mondoweiss “Why Miko Peled’s story resonates for Palestinians” by Hatim Kanaaneh featuring the author of The General’s Son
•May 12, 2016 Post Independent (CO) “War, which is never inevitable, is a lie,” by Mary Boland reviewing David Swanson’s War is a Lie
•May 10, 2016 Truthdig “‘Days of Revolt’: Chris Hedges, Israeli Peace Activist Miko Peled Discuss the Devolution of Israel,” featuring the author of The General’s Son
•May 9, 2016 Mondoweiss “Miko Peled’s Viral Video” by Yakov Hirsch, featuring the author of The General’s Son
•May 2, 2016 “Law and Disorder Radio” Host Michael Smith interviews Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•April 24, 2016 Truthout “David Swanson: US Wars Are Not Waged Out of Generosity or for Democracy,” Mark Karlin interviews the author of War is a Lie
•April 21, 2016 Truthout “Fear of ISIS Used to Justify Continued Military Intervention in Middle East” Book Excerpt from David Swanson‘s War is a Lie
•April 19, 2016 KPFA (Oakland CA) Radio interview by Linda Khoury of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
•April 2016 Midwest Book Review Review by Paul T. Vogel of The General’s Son 2nd Ed. by Miko Peled
•April 13, 2016 American Herald Tribune “The habit of thought that made the U.S. vanguard of prisons and war” by David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
•April 12, 2016 TeleSUR “Ten Revealing War Lies” by David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
•April 6, 2016 Truthdig “Giving Diplomacy a Chance in Iran and Syria Should Override Power of War Machine,” Book Excerpt from David Swanson’s War is a Lie
•April 5, 2016 Media Line “The General’s Son at the Bookshop” by Noga Tarnopolsky featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•April 4, 2016 Jadaliyya “Killing Yemen: An Interview with Sheila Carapico” by Malihe Razazan, featuring Arabia Incognita
•March 28, 2016 KEVN Black Hills FOX, “Artist Aims to Educate on Palestinian History,” Interview of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
•March 28, 2016 KOTA TV “Exhibit Shines Light on Palestinian Refugee Camps,” Interview of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
•March 28, 2016 Jadaliyya Status Hour “Drawn to Palestinian Memory: Baddawi, a Graphic Novel,” Interview by Julie Hakim Azzam of Baddawi author Leila Abdelrazaq
•March 14, 2016 Mint Press News “What Does the Constitution Actually Say About Waging War” Interview by Mnar Muhawash with David Swanson, author of War Is A Lie.
•March 13, 2016 Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Podcast, “Stipulated: War is a Lie” Interview with David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
•March 1, 2016 Friends Journal Book Review by Richard Taylor of The People Make the Peace: Lessons from the Vietnam Antiwar Movement
•March 1, 2016 Friends Journal Book Review by Hina Fathima In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine
•February 10, 2016 The New Arab “The Tragedy of Yemen Is Not a Marginal One” by Vijay Prashad featuring Arabia Incognita
•February 1, 2016 American Library Association: 2016 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults list Graphic Novels category features Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
January 7, 2016 Informed Comment “Separating Anti-Semitism from Anti-Zionism,” by Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
•December 5, 2015 Vice UK “The Graphic Novel ‘Baddawi’ Looks Back at Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp” by Tasbeeh Herwees featuring Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•October 26, 2015 AlterNet “Can the People Make the Peace Again” by Frank Joyce, co-editor of The People Make the Peace
•October 25, 2015 Fair Observer “The Folly of Israeli Apartheid Knows No Boundaries” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•October 25, 2015 Truthout “We Cannot Remain Silent” on Palestine, Says Activist From Jewish Boat to Gaza,” Interview by Mark Karlin of Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
•October 23, 2015 WORT 89.9 (Madison, WI) “Pledge Edition: Wisconsin Book Festival’s Leila Abdelrazaq and “Baddawi”” interview by Esty Dinur of Leila Abdelrazaq, author of Baddawi
•October 22, 2015 Huffington Post “Vietnam: Story Without an End” review by Jonah Raskin of The People Make the Peace
•October 22, 2015 Truthout “Learning Empathy for Palestinians as a Refugee From Nazi Germany,” excerpt from Survival and Conscience
•October 22, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) “A Palestinian in Israel: Dog Kickers and Shark Attack,” by Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
•October 18, 2015 Lobelog “Lessons from America’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East,” by Chas Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
•September 30, 2015 Mondoweiss “Israeli embassy’s attack on Rosengarten just made her stronger,” by Phil Weiss regarding Lillian Rosengarten, author of Survival and Conscience
•June 25, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) Chief Complaint: A Palestinian Doctor in the Galilee,” by Khelil Bouarrouj, Interviewing Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
•June 22, 2015 NPR “U.N. Report Finds Israel, Hamas Possibly Committed War Crimes In Gaza” by Emily Harris featuring Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Unsilenced
•June 22, 2015 Mondoweiss Excerpts from Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
“The Gaza Kitchen: Cuisine, Resistance, and Remembrance in Palestine” by Julie Poucher Harbin about Laila El-Haddad’s presentation on Gaza Kitchen.
•June 10, 2015 Electronic Intifada “Smuggling books across the border: PalFest 2015” by Leila Abdelrazaq, author of Baddawi
•June 9, 2015 Truthout “Sunni Alliances Trump Obama Administration Terrorism Concerns in Syria,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 8, 2015 LA Review of Books, “Stitching Out a Life in Graphic Memoir,” by Alex Mangles on Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•June 3, 2015 Mondoweiss, “‘Spring’ and Counterrevolution in Egypt: Four Years of Reflections,” by Richard Falk about his book Chaos and Counterrevolution: After the Arab Spring
•June 1, 2015 Centre for Medical Humanities at Durham University Review of Hatim Kanaaneh’s Chief Complaint by Dr. Dorothy Woodman
•May 27, 2015 Foreword Reviews Review by Allyce Amidon of Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•May 26, 2015 The Rumpus “Fresh Comics #2: Transmissions from Beirut” by Monica Johnson mentioning Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•May 18, 2015 UPrising Radio Show with Sonali, interviews Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
•May 18, 2015 “Arabic Television” Interview [in English] Part I and Part II with Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
•April 2015 Publishers Weekly Review of Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•April 29, 2015 Palestine Square (Institute for Palestine Studies blog) “Baddawi, A Graphic Novel about a Palestinian Boy,” by Khelil Bouarrouj, Interviewing Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
•April 24, 2015 ThinkProgress “New Graphic Novel Explores What It’s Really Like to Be a Palestinian Refugee,” by Beenish Ahmad about Baddawi
•April 22, 2015 WPFW radio “Shay Wa Nana Show” Zein El-Amine interviews Leila Abdelrazaq about Baddawi
•April 21, 2015 ComicsDC “Leila Abdelrazaq’s Talk at Busboys and Poets,” by Mike Rhodes about Baddawi
•April 2, 2015 PEN America “The Illustrated PEN Graphic Narrative” Excerpts from Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•March 31, 2015 Socialist Worker “Documenting the Campus Struggle for Palestine,” Review by Bill Mullen of In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine
•March 20, 2015 The Hill “Time to Give Palestinians Their Country Back,” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•March/April 2015 Saudi Aramco World Piney Kesting Reviews My Voice Sought the Wind by Susan Abulhawa
•March 16, 2015 The Hill “Israel’s Arab Voters Threatened,” by Hatim Kanaaneh, author of Chief Complaint
•March 8, 2015 Mondoweiss “Thoughts upon reading a book by a colleague” by Hatim Kanaaneh featuring Alice Rothchild’s On the Brink
•March 2, 2015 “Tiamat’s Revenge: Asking the Big Questions,” by Alex Mangles features Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq
•March, 2015 Foreign Affairs “Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope” a review by John Waterbury of “Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope” by Richard Falk
•February 19, 2015 Middle East Eye “Book Excerpt” of Chief Complaint: A Country Doctor’s Tale of Life in Galilee by Hatim Kanaaneh
•February 7, 2015 Mondoweiss “Let liberal Jews weep for their dream of Israel, and move on – Alice Rothchild” by Philip Weiss featuring Alice Rothchild, author of On the Brink
•February 5, 2015 The Hill “Netanyahu’s coming to town” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•January 29, 2015 World Beyond War “Students Save Palestine” by David Swanson, featuring In Our Power by Nora Barrows-Friedman
•January, 2015 Cooking up a story “The Gaza Kitchen – An Interview with Laila El-Haddad”, interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•January 27, 2015 AFSC Acting in Faith “A rabbi at AFSC: Quaker and Jewish Connections, part 1” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•Janurary 8, 2015 Middle East Revised “Leila Abdul Razzaq’s Baddawi: Palestinians As Subjects Of Their Own Narratives” featuring Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi
•January 2015 CHOICE Magazine chooses Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2014
•December 31, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Refugees are ‘subjects of their own narratives.’ says Palestinian artist” by Sarah Irving, featuring Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi
•December 30, 2014 Shalom Rav “Talking JRC and AFSC on WBEZ: My Interview with “The Morning Shift” interview with Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•December 22, 2014 Palestine News Network “This is Not Recognition” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•December 12, 2014 MintPress News “Conflict Kitchen: Pittsburgh Restaurant Serves Up Food For Thought, With a Side Order of Pickles” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 2014 CHOICE Magazine Review of Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•November 19, 2014 Aljazeera America “Hummus and maftoul, with a side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 12, 2014 Pittsburgh City Paper “Conflict Kitchen re-opens, says Palestinian voices central to their project” features Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•November 11, 2014 Mondoweiss “Pittsburgh’s ‘Conflict Kitchen’ is latest battleground over Palestine, free speech and criticism of Israel” includes Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•October 31, 2014 Susuris “The Collapse of Order in the Middle East” article by Chas Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
•October 29, 2014 Palestine Book Awards “Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from young writers in Gaza, Palestine” review of Refaat Alareer’s Gaza Writes Back
•October 22, 2014 Oye! Books “One Book, Many Communities’: Reading As a Form of Protest” featuring Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•October 13, 2014 MintPress News “Could An Iranian Nuclear Deal Be The Answer to Stability In The Middle East?” featuring Chas W. Freeman, author of America’s Misadventures in the Middle East
•October 06, 2014 The Electronic Intafada “Writing to overcome trauma in Gaza” includes Refaat Alareer, author of Gaza Writes Back
•October 08, 2014 San Diego Reader “Not the Israel my parents fought for” featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•October 4, 2014 Be Magazine “Mondoweiss: “Rabbi Brant Rosen steps down from Jewish Reconstructionist Synagogue saying his activism on Israel/Palestine has been ‘lightning rod for division'” about Brant Rosen author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•September 25, 2014 WHBQ Fox 13 Memphis “Peled: Burden for Peace Rests with Israel” interview with Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•September 22, 2014 The Star Online “Young voices are emerging from Gaza, and they will not be stopped,” by Akil Yunus featuring Gaza Kitchen and Gaza Writes Back authors
•September 20, 2014 Mondoweiss “Gaza and the American Awakening” by Alice Rothchild, author of On the Brink
•September 3, 2014 Mondoweiss “Rabbi Brant Rosen steps down from Jewish Reconstructionist Synagogue saying his activism on Israel/Palestine has been a lightning rod for division,” by Marc Ellis featuring the author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•August 28, 2014 KPFA Flashpoints featuring interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•August 19, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Gaza Reminds Us of Zionism’s Original Sin” and Intifada Palestine “From the Holocaust to the Massacre in Gaza through Ben-Gurion Airport” by Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•August 6, 2014 Vox “Israel and Gaza’s best-known chefs discuss food and identity in Israel-Palestine,” by Max Fisher, featuring Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•August 5, 2014 World Can’t Wait (recorded event in New York) “Stop Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes against the People of Gaza” hosted by Alan Goodman featuring authors Laila El-Haddad,Miko Peled, and Refaat Alareer
•August 5, 2014 Munchies “Hummus is a Metaphor for Israeli-Palestinian Tensions,” by Matthew Zuras, featuring interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•August 4, 2014 MintPress News “VIDEO: Is The Crisis In Gaza A Reflection Of Apartheid? Interview With Miko Peled” by Mnar Muhawesh featuring the author of The General’s Son
•August 4, 2014 Middle East Eye “There are no poems of mass destruction,” by Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Writes Back
•August 4, 2014 Democracy Now “As Gaza Death Toll Tops 1,800, Dr. Mona El-Farra Mourns Loss of 9 Relatives in Israeli Strike,” interview by Amy Goodman of Laila El-Haddad, co-author ofThe Gaza Kitchen
•August 1, 2014 C-Span “Discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” panel featuring Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 30, 2014 Talk Nation Radio “Sarah Ali: Under the missiles in Gaza,” David Swanson interviews Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 28, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Does Iran really pose an existential threat to Israel?” review by Rod Such of Manufactured Crisis
•July 28, 2014 Jadaliyya “Joint Declaration by International Law Experts on Israel’s Gaza Offensive,” initiated and signed by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 28, 2014 Electronic Intifada “The story of my brother, martyr Mohammed Alareer,” by Refaat Alareer, editor of Gaza Writes Back
•July 26, 2014
Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free – See more at:
Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free – See more at:
Middle East Eye “Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free,” by Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 24, 2014 Al Jazeera America “Cooking and eating under siege,” by Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt, authors of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 22, 2014 Guernica “The Time Has Come,” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 Truth-Out “Blood on American Hands: Richard Falk on Palestine” featuring Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 CCTV America “Palestinian mom tells her story of Gaza with a cookbook,” interview of Laila El-Haddad, co-author of The Gaza Kitchen
•July 21, 2014 Al Jazeera America “The propaganda war over the Gaza Crisis” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 21, 2014 Jewish Daily Forward “Is Gaza Israel’s War of Choice?” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 20, 2014 Al Jazeera English “Gaza: A Human Tragedy” by Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 18, 2014 Gandhi’s Be Magazine “Gaza Writes Back: By destroying houses, and killing children, Israel aims at erasing memories,” by Yousef Aljamal, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 18, 2014 Guernica “No Exit from Gaza,” by Richard Falk, author of Palestine: The Legitimacy of Hope
•July 16, 2014 RT Crosstalk “Gaza Under Siege” featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 16, 2014 Gandhi’s Be Magazine “Rabbi Brant Rosen: ‘Israel on the 17th of Tammuz, Confronting the Enemy Within” by the author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 16, 2014 Democracy Now “Is an Iran Nuclear Deal within Reach? Dissecting the Latest Talks over a ‘Manufactured Crisis,'” Amy Goodman interviews Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•July 15, 2014 My Halal Kitchen “Cookbook review: The Gaza Kitchen” by Yvonne Maffei featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•July 14, 2014 BBC Newshour Radio programme on Gaza Crisis interview with Laila El-Haddad, author of Gaza Mom and The Gaza Kitchen
•July 11, 2014 RT The Big Picture “Conversations with Great Minds” Thom Hartmann interviews Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•July 10, 2014 Tikkun Daily “Tragedy in Gaza: Reckoning with Root Causes” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 9, 2014 WBEZ Worldview “Israel increases airstrikes on Gaza,” interview by Jerome McDonnell of Mohammed Soliman, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•July 9, 2014 Sky News “Middle East Violence” Interview with Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 8, 2014 RT Breaking the Set “IDF General’s Son: If Israel doesn’t want rockets, decolonize Palestine,” interview by Abby Martin of Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 8, 2014 Democracy Now “‘Absolutely unjustifiable,’ Aunt of US Teen Decries Brutal Beating by Israeli Forces Caught on Video,” interview by Amy Goodman featuring Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son
•July 3, 2014 The Hindu “The searing hypocrisy of the West,” by Susan Abulhawa, author of My Voice Sought the Wind
•July 3, 2014 The Palestinian Talmud “Empathy, Not Vengeance: A Rabbinical View on the Recent Violence in Israel/Palestine” by Brant Rosen, author of Wrestling in the Daylight
•July 1, 2014 PressTV “US trying to restrict Iran’s nuclear future: Journalist,” interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 30, 2014 “US Demand for Deep Centrifuge Cuts a Diplomatic Ploy,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 25, 2014 Mondoweiss “How food writing humanizes the Palestinian struggle: Laila El-Haddad on The Gaza Kitchen,” by Alex Kane featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•June 9, 2014 The Nation “How US Policy on Iran Came to Be Based on Fabricated Documents,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 6, 2014 Truth-Out “Leading Alarmist on Iran Ignored What He Knew Was True,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•June 5, 2014 PressTV “Israel gave fake dossier to MKO: Historian” interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•Summer 2014 Israel Studies Review 29:1, 129-135. “1973: Re-examined,” by Galia Golan, a review of 1973: The Road to War by Yigal Kipnis.
•May 2014 H-Diplo Discussion about 1973: The Road To War by Yigal Kipnis
◦Review Essay by Craig Daigle (PDF)
◦Author Response by Yigal Kipnis (PDF)
◦Follow-up by Craig Daigle (PDF)
•May 29, 2014 Haaretz “Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?” by Shemuel Meir, a review of Manufactured Crisis and interview with author Gareth Porter
•May 21, 2014 RT “Breaking the Set” “Israel Apartheid State Gives Impunity for IDF Soldiers” Abby Martin interviews Miko Peled of The General’s Son
•May 14, 2014 Al-Monitor “An Israeli Scare Campaign about Iran’s Nuclear Program?” by Akiva Eldar featuring Gareth Porter’s Manufactured Crisis
•May 7, 2014 Muftah Magazine “A Review of Gareth Porter’s Manufactured Crisis: Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare,” by Alex Cacioppo
•May 7, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Trapped in Gaza” by Sarah Ali, contributor to Gaza Writes Back
•May 5, 2014 Harper’s Magazine “The Stream” blog “Six Questions: Manufactured Crisis” by Andrew Cockburn, interview with Gareth Porter
•May/June 2014 Foreign Affairs Capsule Review of Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•April 29, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Writing is an act of courage, say storytellers from Gaza,” podcast by Nora Barrows-Friedman with the authors of Gaza Writes Back
•April 28, 2014 Real News Network “Gaza Writes Back” interview of Yousef Aljamal
•April 20, 2014 FireDogLake “Podcast: Young Palestinian and Contributor to ‘Gaza Writes Back’ Describes Life under Occupation” by Kevin Gosztola, interview of Yousef Aljamal by Rania Khalek
•April 16, 2014 CounterPunch “The Ayatollahs’ Overlooked Anti-WMD Fatwas” by Sheldon Richman, featuring Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•April 15, 2014 Mondoweiss, “Palestinian writers bring Gaza’s hardships to an American audience” by Alex Kane on Gaza Writes Back
•April 15, 2014 Brownbook Magazine “The Gaza Kitchen” photoessay by Sophie Chamas, photography by Emad Mohammed, featuring the Gaza Kitchen cookbook
•April 10, 2014 AFSC blog “Powerful fiction: An interview with writers of Gaza Writes Back” by Madeline Schaeffer, a feature on Gaza Writes Back
•April 7, 2014 Revolution magazine, “Check It Out:Gaza Writes Back—Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine,” by Alan Goodman
•April 5, 2014 The Scott Horton Show 10 part interview series with Gareth Porter about Manufactured Crisis
•April 4, 2014 HuffPost Live “Palestinians find dignity through writing,” live interview with Refaat Alareer and Rawan Yaghi of Gaza Writes Back
•April 1, 2014 “Targeting Iran” by Phiilip Giraldi, a review of Manufactured Crisis
•March 30, 2014 WBAI “Beyond the Pale” radio show interview with authors of Gaza Writes Back
•March 30, 2014 Real News Network Book Review of Manufactured Crisis by Edward Herman
•March 24, 2014 Huffington Post “Did Robert Gates Manufacture the Iran Crisis?” by William Beeman, a review of Manufactured Crisis
•March 23, 2014 Truthout “Current Iran ‘Crisis’ Began with Overthrow of Democratically Elected Government in 1953,” Interview by Mark Karlin of Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 21, 2014 CounterCurrents Book review of Manufactured Crisis by Dr. Ludwig Watzal
•March 19, 2014 Truthout “Fixing the Facts to Create a Crisis with Iran,” Book excerpt from Manufactured Crisis
•March 16, 2014 The Star Online, “Having their say: Young Palestinian writers share their stories,” by Lim Chia Ying, a book review feature on Gaza Writes Back with an interview of Refaat Alareer
•March 16, 2014 Real News Network “Reality Asserts Itself ” A three-part recorded and transcribed interview by Paul Jay of Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 4, 2014 Foreign Policy Association Blog “A Candid Discussion with Gareth Porter,” by Reza Akhlaghi, featuring the author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 3, 2014 Foreign Policy in Focus “Overcoming the ‘Manufactured Crisis’ with Iran” by Josh Ruebner featuring Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•March 2, 2014 Interview of Miko Peled on Peacemaking in Israel/Palestine by the Institute on International Relations, Prague
•February 27, 2014 Foreword Magazine Book Review of Gaza Writes Back
•February 26, 2014 Lecture by Miko Peled at the Institute for International Relations, Prague on his book, The General’s Son
•February 21, 2014 FAIRCounterspin podcast interview with Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•February 21, 2014 Cezka Pozice (Czech) “The West Will Regret Its Support of Israel,” Interview with Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son (English translation in PDF here)
•February 17, 2014 Mondoweiss “Unravelling the false history of the Iranian nuclear program: An excerpt from ‘Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare’” by Gareth Porter
•February 16, 2014 Firedoglake Book Salon featuring Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•February 15, 2014 Sabbah Report “The Problem is Israel, Its Supporters, and the War Industry, not Iran” by Lawrence Davidson reviewing Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•February 12, 2014 Talk Nation Radio “Gareth Porter: Iran has never had a nuclear weapons program” interview with David Swanson about Manufactured Crisis
•February 11, 2014 Electronic Intifada “Gaza’s class divisions confronted by young writers,” by Sarah Irving, review of Gaza Writes Back
•February 5, 2014 Inter Press Service “Misread Telexes Led Analysts to See Iran Nuclear Arms Programme,” by Gareth Porter, author of Manufactured Crisis
•January 29, 2014 Lobelog “A Manufactured Crisis,” by Peter Jenkins reviewing Manufactured Crisis by Gareth Porter
•January 28, 2014 Al-Akhbar English “Gaza Writers Resist War and Siege through Fiction,” by Yazan al-Saadi featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 26, 2014 Radio Solidarity Show, Episode #12, featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 25, 2014 Palestine Chronicle, “Young Gazan Writers Prove the Power of Short Stories” by Susannah Tarbush featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 16, 2014 Middle East Monitor “‘Gaza writes back’ launched in London” featuring Gaza Writes Back
•January 4, 2013 Al Jazeera (in Arabic) “Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Gaza in English” review of Gaza Writes Back
•January 2, 2014 War is a Crime (blog) “The Story of Gaza” by David Swanson featuring Gaza Writes Back

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